ALERT: We have been made aware that there are people soliciting contributions in Rosemere who claim to be representing the Rosemere Neighborhood Association. We are not at this time canvassing neighborhood businesses. Please ask for proper ID and call 911 to report any suspicious activity. [Read More...]
Money extortion scam in Rosemere? – April 4, 2004
Rosemere Neighborhood Association News Archives – 2001-2003
To see Rosemere Neighborhood Association news archives from 2001 to 2003 click here RNA Archive News 2001-2003.
Dangerous crosswalk at East 39th Street – City negligent? – March 19, 2004
Dangerous Crosswalk
This crosswalk, at East 39th Street, just east of Interstate 5, was out of commission for five months due to a faulty light system and the city’s inability to maintain it properly. This was a dangerous situation. A young girl was hit by a car here last month, sustaining serious injuries. Her attorney maintains negligence on the part of the City of Vancouver, which could result in a pending claim and/or possible lawsuit against the city. [Read More...]
Design of Neighborhood Associations Faulty – April 8, 2003
During a meeting on April 8, 2003, the Rosemere Neighborhood Association Board provided the City with a list of twelve concerns to improve the outdated neighborhood ordinance. This list of concerns, entitled “Design of Neighborhood Associations Faulty” was shared directly with councilmembers, who also shared it with city staff. [Read More...]
Press release — May 27, 2003
Press release — May 27, 2003 — Vancouver, Washington
The Rosemere Neighborhood Association is submitting paperwork in May 2003 to the City of Vancouver for a Neighborhood Transportation Improvement Grant to install curb cuts along 33rd Street from Grand Boulevard to the I-5 overpass. This Grant is a continuation of the grant awarded in 2001 for a similar project along Grand Boulevard from Fourth Plain Boulevard to 33rd Street. [Read More...]