On September 20, 2007, representatives of Columbia Riverkeeper, Willapa Audubon Society, and the Rosemere Neighborhood Association, along with a number of other concerned citizens, attended a public hearing held by Washington’s Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council to voice their opinions about Energy Northwest’s proposed Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power plant in Kalama, WA. The council took comments from the public on Energy Northwest’s greenhouse gas “sequestration plan” (view the plan at http://http:www.esfec.wa.gov/pmec.shtml). [Read More...]


    Approved Joint Public Statement

    The City of Vancouver, Clark County Natural Resources Council and Rosemere Neighborhood Association have reached a mutually satisfactory agreement that ends the appeals of a 2005 judgement in a Clean Water Act lawsuit heard by the Federal District Court for the Western District of Washington.  The joint agreement furthers the goals of all three parties by enhancing ongoing efforts to protect and improve the community’s water resources.  Additional water monitoring, inventory work and public involvement opportunities, including creation of a Burnt Bridge Creek Watershed Council, are among the highlights of the agreement.

    View Approved Clean Water Act Settlement Agreement, Signed May 2006

  • Rosemere Neighborhood Association and Clark County Natural Resources Council File Supplemental 60-Day Notice of Intent to Sue Under the Clean Water Act – April 8, 2005

    The RNA and CCRNC filed a Clean Water Act lawsuit in October 2004 against
    the City of Vancouver pertaining to the City’s unpermitted and contaminated stormwater discharge into Burnt Bridge Creek, and the Columbia River (both of which flow into Vancouver Lake). These discharges into threatened or endangered waterbodies are conveyed through the municipal stormwater sewer system.

    On April 1, 2005, RNA and CCNRC’s attorneys filed a supplemental notice of
    intent to sue the City of Vancouver under the Clean Water Act for
    unpermitted and contaminated non-stormwater related discharges. The city’s municipal stormwater system illegally conveys discharges into Burnt Bridge Creek and the Columbia River on a daily basis during dry weather. These discharges travel to and can impact the water quality of Vancouver Lake. [Read More...]

  • Write Letters to Help Clean Up Burnt Bridge Creek – June 16, 2004

    The Southwest Regional Office of the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) submitted a list of six projects to the Olympia office for consideration of funding a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) study. Burnt Bridge Creek was the ranked second among this list of six projects, but it was not chosen as part of the statewide priority list for this funding cycle (the cycle lasts for five years). Only 9 projects were funded statewide from four regional offices. [Read More...]

  • May 1st Water Quality Discussion – May 4, 2004

    May 3, 2004

    Members of the RNA Board met with representatives of the Clark County Health Department, the City of Vancouver’s Public Works Department, and local Water Quality Experts to discuss failing septic systems and cesspools in the Rosemere Neighborhood and the Burnt Bridge Creek Watershed in general. [Read More...]

  • Media Correction: “Burnt by Pollution” – May 3, 2004

    From Rosemere Neighborhood Association

    Re: Article By Erik Robinson, Columbian Staff Writer
    “Burnt by pollution”
    April 29, 2004

    In this article, Mr. Robinson states “Leaking septic systems are a major source of microbial pollution — at least 12.7% of the total, according to a 1999 study commissioned by the City of Vancouver — but the study also laid the blame on Mother Nature.” This figure has been widely misrepresented by the City of Vancouver in an attempt to downplay the severity of contaminants that come from human waste. [Read More...]

  • RNA Advocates for Burnt Bridge Creek Water Quality Improvements – April 23, 2004

    The RNA met with Clark County Health Department officials in March to discuss how failing septic systems are contributing to the pollution of Burnt Bridge Creek (which feeds into Vancouver Lake). There are several homes in Rosemere that do not have access to City Sewer Service. Neighbors approached the RNA in 2001 to ask how they could get sewer service where there are no sewer mains. There are cesspools and aging sewer systems in Rosemere (and throughout Vancouver) that are not being properly maintained or inspected. Water quality tests indicate that effluent from failed septic tanks is polluting the creek and is also creating a public health risk. [Read More...]

  • Vancouver looks to finish Burnt Bridge Creek Trail – a toxic area! – April 4, 2004

    Vancouver looks to finish Burnt Bridge Creek Trail:

    This is a toxic area. One would hope the Columbian has not purposely published propaganda. It’s a lovely picture, but this is a toxic area. Please stay out of it for the health of your family and your children. No doubt the “Powers That Be” are trying to promote the Burnt Bridge Creek project as a Green Jewel. It’s a dangerous jewel. Poisonous water, poisonous greenery, poisonous mud. PLEASE STAY OUT OF IT.

  • The Maitland Property — Developer May Harm Endangered Salmon – February 9, 2004

    Chum Salmon are protected under the federal Endangered Species Act. These endangered salmon have been drawn to the warm waters of Josef Creek in Vancouver for thousands of years. The Columbia River once turned silver with the arrival of salmon every year, but now only about a thousand Chum find their way to Josef Creek, which is just east of I-205. The creek, one of the last remaining salmon runs in Southwest Washington, feeds into the Columbia River. [Read More...]

  • RNA opposes City’s SEPA application on the proposed Burnt Bridge Creek Greenway project – February 5, 2004

    To: Jon Wagner, Development Review Services

    From: Rosemere Neighborhood Association

    Re: Application: Burnt Bridge Creek Greenway PRJ2003-01122 which includes the following:

    ARC2003-00025, CON2003-00087, ENG2003-00164, FLP2003-00003, GEO2003-00002, GRD2003-00088, PSR2003-00044, SEP2003-00058, SHL2003-00005, TRE2003-00195 and WET2003-00006

    These comments on the project have been sent prior to the cutoff date of Monday, February 9, 2004, and are to be incorporated into the staff report.

    This correspondence serves as written notice that the officers and board of the Rosemere Neighborhood Association oppose this proposed project, and as outlined herein, believe that the project will create probable significant adverse environmental impacts. [Read More...]

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