Communities Letter RE Sportsmen’s Act of 2012

This letter, signed by 35 environmental activists in 16 states and territories, was sent to Senators Tester, Reid, and Boxer:


Dear Senator:
It has come to our attention that S. 3525, the Sportsmen’s Act of 2012 – scheduled for a U.S. Senate floor vote immediately after Thanksgiving 2012, contains language that appears to exempt certain munitions constituents, such as lead and propellants, from the Toxic Substances Control Act. [See Section 121 (a).] We are concerned because the releases of such substances, including lead, perchlorate, RDX, DNT, etc., have been widely released into the environment, posing serious risks to both human health and the natural environment.

To view the full letter, click here Sportsmen’s Act S3525 Communities Letter

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