Portland Airport Noise Pollution – June 15, 2004


This letter (PDF file, below) from Senators Cantwell and Murray asks the Port of Portland to reconsider and vote for option 9a, which would move departing westbound jets South of Hayden Island and away from West Vancouver. This option would greatly reduce airport noise for our community, but the Port of Portland removed this possibility from its current airport study. Congressman Brian Baird has also made this plea to the Port of Portland on behalf of west side neighborhoods. It is now up to the neighborhoods to press the Port of Portland to revise its plans and re-include option 9a to benefit West Vancouver. Without neighborhood support, the airport will divert disproportionate amounts of airport traffic, which will negatively impact our neighborhoods, and this may also negatively impact property values within the air traffic noiseprint.

Click here to view federal aviation letter

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